Project Update: Client Clearing Rear Yard for Extension Project

We're thrilled to share a major milestone in one of our Mount Lawley House Additions! Our client has just completed clearing the rear yard in preparation for their new extension project, set to commence on-site very soon. This marks the beginning of an exciting journey toward transforming their space into something truly remarkable.

The process involved considerable effort, with many helping hands coming together. Utilising specialised equipment including a crane and a truck, the site was cleared efficiently and with precision. Among the notable features of the yard was a magnificent ponytail palm tree, which, though it held sentimental value, needed to be relocated to make way for the upcoming construction.

While the removal of such a cherished tree is always bittersweet, we're committed to ensuring its preservation and have arranged for its careful relocation. This highlights our dedication not only to the architectural vision but also to the preservation of the natural elements that make each project unique.

Stay tuned for further updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our client, shaping spaces that inspire and delight.


Renovating for Value: Ronnie and Georgia's Success Story in Embleton, Perth